TLT16 take aways

I thought I would make the best use of my 4 hour train journey back to reflect on my practice in the context of the teach meet in Southampton this weekend.  As always when I attend these events, I have found it reenergising. If nothing else sometimes this is enough. Everything else is a bonusContinue reading “TLT16 take aways”

Improving my Teaching of Grammar

I set myself a challenge this term to improve my teaching of grammar in order to help students develop their understanding and analysis skills. I have found every year, by the time my students reached GCSE, they are struggling to identify the basic word classes like nouns and verbs when analysing writer’s craft. So, IContinue reading “Improving my Teaching of Grammar”

Reflections of the last year back as an English Teacher

In January 2015, I took a big leap of faith and left the job I loved as an AST in English and moved to a different school without my role. Why? Many reasons, some personal, some not but ultimately after 7 years in the same school working my way from NQT to head of MediaContinue reading “Reflections of the last year back as an English Teacher”

Carnegie Medal Short list, book two: The Lies We Tell Ourselves

Second day, second book, which tells me straight away I must have enjoyed it as this was slightly longer than Fire Colour One. This fiction story of Sarah and a group of 9 other black children who are the first to be integrated into a Virginia school is both painful and insightful. I particularly likedContinue reading “Carnegie Medal Short list, book two: The Lies We Tell Ourselves”

Carnegie Medal book review 1: Fire Colour One

   So, I’m sat on a beach in the Dominican Republic, enjoying my Easter break and have swallowed up the first of the Carnegie short list. I felt I wanted to record a short review of the ones I read for several reasons: the main one being how blown away I was by the beautyContinue reading “Carnegie Medal book review 1: Fire Colour One”

Explain lessons don’t have to be Didactic

As an English teacher, teaching context can, at times, seem like there are only a few pedagogical approaches and they become over used. I have lost count of the times in which , when introducing a new topic or text, I’ve reverted to my expert groups approach. I’d had enough of using it, and theContinue reading “Explain lessons don’t have to be Didactic”